Empty Chair Technical Group Guidance and Self Talk Improve Interpersonal Communication Skills

Fauzi Aldina, Teuku Fadhli


This study aims to examine the impact of empty chair technique group guidance and self-talk techniques to improve interpersonal communication skills of students at SMA Unggul Sigli. The research method used was experimental design, randomized pretest-posttest comparison group design involving 20 research subjects who were selected proposively from 82 students. The results showed that the empty chair technique and self-talk technique were effective to improve students' interpersonal communication skills with the difference in the level of effectiveness of the self-talk technique group counseling higher than the empty chair technique. Empty chair technique group guidance and self-talk techniques are effective to improve interpersonal communication skills of SMA Unggul Sigli students.


group conseling; empty chair; self talk; interpersonal communication

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v3i4.1339

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