Improving the Quality of Religious Islamic Education Learning through Collaborative Learning Approach in SMP Muhammadiyah Pandan Tapanuli Tengah

Ellisa Fitri Tanjung


The product quality of education is determined by teachers in learning processes underlying curriculum (official), which results of highly dependence on what is done by the teacher in the classroom (actual). Atmosphere of learning and teaching was directed so that learners can develop her potential. Previous learning approach which concentrates on the teacher (teacher-centered) to the student-centered approach to learning (student-centered), it takes master-teacher teaching methods, classroom management, and the ability to motivate students. Mastery of the teaching method is far more important than the provision of subject matter (al-Thoriqoh ahamm min al-hymn). The problems related to this study include: (1) description of the educational approach that can improve the quality of teaching Islamic education in junior high school students of class VII in Muhammadiyah Pandan Central Tapanuli. (2) collaborative learning education approach can improve the quality of teaching Islamic education in junior high school students of class VII Muhammadiyah Pandan. This study applies the quality approach and collaboration from any action researchers. The study was carried out in SMP Muhammadiyah Pandan Central Tapanuli. Data source were derived from class VII.The subject of study comprised 30 students.


the quality of learning; islamic religious education; collaborative learning

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