Effective Communications among Woman Legislators on Improving Life Quality in Jember Regency

Juariyah Juariyah, Ria Angin


The present study investigates effective communication among woman legislators in realizing gender budget as a way to improve life quality of women in Jember regency. The research method implemented in this study is qualitative with in-depth interview as its data collection technique. The effective communication depicts a design of information delivery performed by a communicator to an interlocutor. Alo Liliweri (1997) mentions 8 determining variables in a process of effective communication, namely (1) sender, (2) background, (3) message/stimulation/stimulus, (4) channel/media, (5) receiver, (6) feedback, (7) entropy, and  (8) situation or atmosphere. The findings indicate that effective communication among women legislators includes building favorable interpersonal relationship with their constituents, thus creating a fanatic constituents. Another form of effective communication is by intensively holding a village-based aspiration hearing forum which involves the local community. Through this forum, the people can deliver their problems face to face and the attending members of the board can give applicable solutions, therefore feedback can be immediately uttered.


effective communication; favourable communication; aspiration hearing forum

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v1i3.45

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