The Concept of Tolerance among Religious Community by the Religious Activists of Interfaith Community and Pantura Belief (Tali Akrap)

Ama Farida Sari, Rusnaini Rusnaini, Triana Rejekiningsih


Tolerance among religious community is not just an attitude to allow or accept others who differ from our beliefs but also to admit their existence and provide opportunities for other religious community to do everything related to their religious teachings as long as it is in accordance with the limits and does not violate applicable regulations. Tolerance can be strived for both individually and groups through interfaith community such as the Tali Akrap. Tolerance will be maximally carried out if the understanding of the concept of tolerance among religious community is well understood. The influence of religious activists can also influence the attitude of tolerance and acceptance of other different religious. The tolerance among religious community that is implemented well will create a peaceful and harmonious life in the community and maintain the unity and integrity in the national and state environment.


Tolerance; Tali Akrap; dialogue.

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