Ergativity Case-Marking in Batak Toba Language

Sisila Fitriany Damanik, Mulyadi Mulyadi


Batak Toba Language (BTL) is an accusative, ergative and split-S language. It is called accusative because BTL has an active diathesis basic construction. In the BTL, the active diathesis clause is morphologically marked on the verb (head marking) by adding the prefix /ma-/, /maN-/ or zero prefix (occurred in some verbs that can stand without affixes). BTL is categorized ergative, firstly, because in the basic S argument from the intransitive verbs in BTL can be semantically gets the most influence from the verb, and it is also applied as O of intransitive verbs. Secondly, By using treatment parameters S equal to O and different from A in nominal construction. BTL is also categorized as split-S language because the behavior is that the agent-like argument of intransitive verb (Sa) in transitive verbs can be nominalized with /par-/ affixes, while the patient-like arguments of other intransitive patients cannot be nominalized with /par-/ affixes


accusative; ergative; split-S; agent-like argument; patient-like argument

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