The Principal's Strategies in Forming Student Character of SMP Al-Azhar Medan

Candra Wijaya, Ali Imran Sinaga, Widia Harahap


This study aims to reveals the principal leadership strategies in forming student character in Al-Azhar Middle School Medan. The approach used in this study is a descriptive analysis approach. According to Sumadi Suryabrata, a descriptive approach is a form of approach that is carried out using a systematic and accurate scribal (exposure or description) regarding the facts and characteristics of the population. This approach is used to describe and analyze the leadership strategy of the Al-Azhar Medan Middle School leadership.The research location is a place where researchers conduct research so that researchers get information in accordance with the themes discussed. This research was conducted at Jalan Pintu Air IV No. 214 Kwala Bekala, District: Medan Johor, Medan City, and North Sumatera. The result shows that the principal's leadership strategy in forming the character of students are exemplar, discipline, advice and assign tasks to teachers.


character; students; the principal; SMP Al-Azhar Medan

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