The History and Continuity of Kuningan Weaving

Fendi Adiatmono, Arif Rivai


Human work is influenced by thinking and behavior patterns. Weaving as a result of human culture is no longer something that is considered important. Birth and development have not been comprehensively explored. Kuningan as a weaving region cannot be separated from the problem. Its development stalled during Colonial rule.

This research aims to describe the development of weaving as a home industry in terms of cultural history, form of motives and management. This study aims to (1) describe the weaving motif in the Kuningan home industry; and (2) design forms of motifs that are in accordance with the history of Kuningan culture; and (3) suitable management of art applied to the Kuningan area. This research is a qualitative research where the data obtained from observations, interviews, documentation, and participant observations are presented in descriptive form. The instruments in this study were the researchers themselves with guidelines for observation, interviews, and documentation. The tools used in this study are digital cameras and writing equipment. The validity of the data from this paper is obtained by perseverance / regularity of observation and publication of research results. Analysis of the data used in the form of reduction, presentation of data, and conclusion. The results of this study indicate (1) the weaving motifs of home industry production are not in accordance with the development of other textile arts, such as batik. Then the form of the motive produced is the result of interference from outside countries; and (2) Kuningan home industry weaving is not in the right management, as evidenced by the death of the industry in the present.

This research uses the theory of visual history and methods of anthropological approaches, forms of aesthetics, and symbols that are relevant to the subject and subject matter of the problem. So, the context that was built to be legitimate, text, oral and visual, both now and past has been used as a reconstruction. The contents of the study and his work aroused community sensitivity in formulating natural and human development constructions. The general objective of this research is the point of awareness, that it creates filters, balance, and makes a counter of global forces that try to make Indonesian society artificial.

This research is expected to emit reference needs for public creativity in general. The written phrases are expected to be able to inspire the sensitivity of the people of Indonesia, to further dynamize the transmission method in the construction of the community.


weaving; history; motive; management

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