Talent Performance Analysis Using People Analytics Approach

Fahreza Nasril, Dian Indiyati, Gadang Ramantoko


The purpose of this study was to answer the research question "How is the prediction of Talent Performance in the following year with the application of People Analytics?" and knowing the description of employees who are potential talents, the resulting performance contributions, to the description of the development and retention efforts needed by Talent in order to be able to maintain their future performance and position as Talents compared to the previous People Analytics method using predictive analysis, namely prediction of Talent Performance in the year next. In this study, data analysis using the Multivariate Logistic Regression method is used to get the Prediction of the Performance of Talents who become the object of research in the form of individual performance quickly and precisely in accordance with the patterns drawn by individual Performance score data in previous years. And can provide insight regarding the projected strategies that need to be done to maintain the improvement of individual talent performance in the years of the assessment period. It also helps management in making decisions about the right Talent development program and determining which Talents are priorities. The population in this study were the talents of employees of PT. Angkasa Pura II (Persero) with a managerial level consisting of: Senior Leader, Middle Leader, and First Line Leader who has a Person Grade (PG) range of 13 to 21. The sample used is Middle Leader level talent with specified criteria and through a process data cleansing. The results of this study indicate that the variable that significantly affects the performance of the following year is the performance of the previous 2 years. Then prediction analysis can be done using these independent variables with the Multinomial Logistic Regression method, and to get prediction results with better accuracy can be done by the Random Forest method.


talent management; performance; people analytics; predictive analysis

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v4i1.1585

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