Tastafi Communication Strategy in the Development of Madani Community

T. Faizin, Mohd. Hatta, Abdullah Abdullah


This research is titled Tastafi communication strategy in the development of Madani community. The focus of the problem in this study is, how to plan, and implement Tastafi communication strategies in the development of civil society. The approach uses in this study is a qualitative approach, with reasons to understand the problem in its natural setting, and interpret this phenomenon based on the meaning given by the informant, also because this research is multidimensional in nature resulting from the complexity of various situations, so the context surrounding it needs to be analyzed . The informants of this study are determined by purposive technique which was explored based on the purpose of this study, with 8 (eight) informants. Based on the data obtained, the results of this study are: first, Tastafi communication planning in the overall development of civil society through six stages, namely; (a) Identifying the vision and mission of Tastafi; (b) Seeing the condition of the people who need knowledge, especially monotheism, Sufism, Jurisprudence to help people from heresies, to do charity and morals; (c) Formulating objectives; (d) Determining sustainable programs and activities; (e) Designing pesandan material that will be delivered to the communicant to keep the message understood and interpreted according to the value of the substance of the implementation of ahlussunnah wal jama'ah; and (f) Selecting media in channeling their messages through recitations in mosques, prayer rooms, recitation centers, pulpits, mass media, print and online media. Second, Tastafi plays a role in several forms of implementation, namely the role of knowledge development through recitation, good discussion directly or through the media. Roles in the development of da'wah through taklim assemblies. Role in the development of community good deeds. The role of empowering Islamic scholars in a missionary organization. Role in leadership empowerment through activities for the sake of upholding Islamic law. Role in amar ma`ruf nahi munkar and role in developing ukhwah with dayah-dayah to cooperate in developing civil society through the Tastafi organization.


strategy; communication; Tastafi; Madani community

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v2i2.260

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