Strategy for Implementation of the Internal Tani Card Program Supporting Subsidied Fertilizer Distribution in Kendal Regency, Central Java Province
This study aims to analyze the implementation strategies of farmer card program for helping the distribution of subsidized fertilizers in Kendal Regency. This study used descriptive qualitative method - by using strength, opportunities, weakneses and threats (SWOT), Analytic Hierarchy Process (AHP) and statistical Package for the social sciences (SPSS) analysis. Respondents were 100 farmers with the criteria of farmers registered in the group needs definitive plan (RDKK) and farmers who had farmer cards. The results of the SWOT analysis showed that the implementation of the farmer card program in Kendal district was in quadrant I position, which showed understanding of aggressive growth conditions. AHP analysis showed that the priority strategy for implementing the farmer card program was obtained by the Government's strategy, that was defined as the Government’s effort to provide a budget for infrastructure and supervision of subsidized fertilizer distribution. The regression analysis showed that several variables such as education, land area, fertilizer, pesticides and labor had a significant effect on rice production, while variable of age, length of business, capital and seeds possessed no significant effect on rice production in Kendal Regency.
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