The Binding Power of the Deed of Power to Sell Land Based on the Encounter of Debt
This paper aims to understand the binding power of deed of power to sell based on the encounter of debt (set-off), and the legal protection of the buyer whose payment is based on the encounter of debt when the seller defaults. This research is a normative research supported by primary legal materials and secondary legal materials in the form of interviews. The approach used is a statutory approach and is described in a qualitative descriptive manner. The results of this thesis research conclude: First, the binding power of the deed of power of attorney to sell based on the encounter debt (set-off), and the act of legally protecting the buyer whose payment is based on the encounter debt (set-off) when the seller defaults, it can be explained that the power to sell a plot of land is based on a debt settlement agreement or compensation has no power of legal force, since the basis for the issuance of the power of attorney to sell the object of the land parcel is PPJB. Furthermore, the power of attorney to sell is based on the encounter of debt (set-off) that does not result in the end of the engagement as referred to in Article 1381 in conjunction with Article 1425 B.W., with the sale and purchase of land rights with the power to sell. Hence, if the debtor breaks his promise, the creditor can sue for compensation on the basis of default.
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