Analysis of the Influence of Tourist Satisfaction and Tourist Attraction on Gunung Padang, Padang City Attractions

Gagih Pradini, Rizky Andhika Gumelar, Anisa Putri Kusumaningrum


Gunung Padang tourist destination, Padang City is one of the top tours in Padang City, West Sumatra. This research aims to find out the influence of tourist satisfaction. This method uses descriptive quantitative with an approach using primary data consisting of interviews with destination managers. Field mounts and peer questionnaires of 100 respondents, model feasibility tests, classical assumption tests and multiple linear regression tests. This research shows that the variables of the skinas of the service have a significant positive effect on the variables of tourist attractions, while tourist attractions have a significant positive effect on the variables of tourist attractions.


satisfaction tourist; power pull tour; destinations tour mountain field

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Based on research and results obtained by the author regarding Tourist Satisfaction with Tourist Attractions and Attractions of Gunung Padang can be concluded as follows:

The author has explained the results of research that the variables of Tourist Attraction and Tourist Satisfaction have a positive and significant effect on Gunung Padang Attractions.

Based on variable research, tourist satisfaction is very positive and significant towards tourist attractions, most likely to increase.

In this study the tourist attraction variable can be concluded that the relationship between tourist satisfaction and tourist attractions is very positive or significant.


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