The Challenge of Religiusity and Spirituality in the Era of Disruption
The era of disruption is marked by various forms of innovation in information technology. This is useful for helping business development and market expansion. This change impacts various lines of people's lives, including the meaning of religiosity and Spirituality. In the era of disruption, Religiosity and Spirituality are instantaneous and simplification of relationships. Religious activity is only meant as a religious activity without involving deep Spirituality. In contrast, religiosity and Spirituality have a close relationship with a person's personal development, which will shape his moral behavior in social life. The era of disruption presents a challenge to religiosity and Spirituality to re-strengthen the system structure so that it does not experience degradation and bankruptcy of spiritual morality. Using the literature review method on various journals and intellectual products, the author examines the challenges of religiosity and Spirituality in the era of disruption. Various literature is arranged systematically with good groupings, thus obtaining universal information about the position in the era of disruption. The era of disruption creates instant Spirituality. This is due to the fast flow of information. This can result in moral deviation by taking refuge behind the intellect, which overrides the values of religiosity.
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