Nunukan State Court's Computer Network Security Improvement Using Centralized Next-Generation Firewall
The Nunukan District Court currently uses technology and information systems to improve services to the community. However, the use of technology and information systems is not accompanied by the application of technology and information system security. This makes the Nunukan District Court vulnerable to attacks and threats such as viruses, phishing, DDoS and others. To overcome this, in this research, a design was made for the implementation of the Next-Generation Firewall which functions to protect information technology and systems in the Nunukan District Court from threats and attacks on technology and information systems. From the results of tests conducted at the Nunukan District Court, the Next-Generation Firewall can prevent attacks and threats carried out in testing. Not only that, this study also found an increase in network performance at the Nunukan District Court. Several features were implemented, such as web filters, antivirus, IPS and antiDDoS, which were seen to be able to prevent attacks and threats to the information system used at the Nunukan District Court. The implementation of the applied design also makes the firewall resource device at the Nunukan District Court unburdened because it offloads the security scanning function to the NGFW device in the cloud which causes an increase in internet access performance.
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