Overview of Elderly Knowledge about Insomnia at Tresna Werdha Budi Mulia Social Original 03 Margaguna Jakarta Selatan

Jamaludin Jamaludin, Enawati Enawati, Nurhidayati Nurhidayati, Karyadi Karyadi


Insomnia is a disturbance pattern frequent sleep occurs in the elderly. 9.3 million Elderly who experience insomnia in Indonesia elderly. Frequent symptoms _ experienced by the elderly who experience insomnia , namely: difficulty for sleep , often awakened more early , sick head at noon day , trouble concentrate easy _ angry until cause depression . Destination from study this is for knowing description knowledge about insomnia in the elderly at PSTW Budi Mulia 03 Margaguna, South Jakarta. Study this is type study descriptive with cross sectional study design. Amount sample as many as 71 respondents. Data collection is carried out with submit question structured use questionnaire. Analysis carried out is univariate. Research results show that percentage respondent man by 37 people (52.1%), the percentage respondents who have graduated from school base namely 29 people (40.8%), the elderly who have good insomnia knowledge were 37 people (52.1%), while elderly who have knowledge good about the definition of insomnia was 62 people (87.3%), who had knowledge good about the etiology of insomnia were 45 people (63.4%), who had knowledge good about symptoms of insomnia were 55 people (77.5%), who had knowledge bad about classification of insomnia is 37 people (52.1%), who have knowledge good about the impact of insomnia was 38 people (53.5%) and who had knowledge good about management of insomnia was 56 people (78.9%). Suggestions for study next use different method _ like method experiment.


elderly; insomnia; knowledge

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i2.4971

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