The Perspective of Food Sustainability and Security for Forest Edge Community through Increasing Coffee Competitiveness for Income Sustainability

Toni Herlambang, Noor Salim, Oktarina Oktarina


The consumption of rice on the edge of the forest tends to increase unbalanced with production causing food insecurity. Efforts to strengthen the food security of forest-edge communities can be through diversification of non-rice food (corn, sweet potato, banana, cassava and arrowroot) and increased income of smallholder coffee farmers. The objectives of the research are to obtain a model of increasing the competitiveness of the people's coffee to strengthen the resilience and security of forest-edge communities. Research location in  Bondowoso District.. The results of the research show that: (1) The model of enhancing the competitiveness of coffee people can strengthen the resilience and security of marginalized communities by involving local institutions in Jember (Perhutani, Plantation Department, Industry Office, Coffee and Cocoa Research Center, Cooperative Service, and Higher Education) . (2) The strategy to strengthen the resilience and security of the food of marginalized forest communities can also through the diversification of non-rice food consumption. (3) Diversification of non-rice food consumption (66-77%) and rice (23-34%). (4) In general, the food security and security of forest-edge communities in the category is quite steady.


food sustainability; coffee competitiveness; edge community

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