Anonymity Phenomenon In Base Fwb (Friends With Benefits) On Twitter And Motivation For Freedom Of Sexual Expression
Anonymity has ( become a thing that is often found on social media today. Anonymity refers to an environment that involves secrets, hidden identities, and masks of personality. Anonymity is characterized by the "loss of identity" that results from the removal of certain elements such as names and addresses (Wallace, 1999). It is a topic that is often discussed since communication is carried out by the Internet. HAI magazine once conducted a survey of teenagers. As a result, 46% of the 300 teenagers surveyed apparently had a second account which they referred to as an alter account (Rini & Manalu, 2019). There are several reasons why they create alter accounts, among others, to follow things that are not worthy of being followed by the original account, stalking other people without being caught, and so that they can be more expressive –something they can't do on the original account because of a sense of prestige- . The type base that an alter account fulfills is a base for FWB or friends with benefits. On Twitter, base refers to an account that retweets or uploads posts that match the theme of that account . Therefore, his followers usually also have the same pleasure as what the base uploads. The method used in this study is a qualitative method. Qualitative method is a method that makes the researcher a key instrument in an object with natural conditions (Sugiyono, 2005). Qualitative can also be defined as an analysis to understand the phenomena that occur in the subject under study in a special context, with various methods, and described in the form of words (Moleong, 2005). Behavioral FWB or friends with benefits is a behavior that is considered not in accordance with the norms in Indonesia and is a form of adultery. Zina, in the KBBI, is an act of sexual intercourse between a man and a woman who are not bound by marriage. In the five recognized religions in Indonesia, adultery is a sin and is not allowed at all. In the end, anonymity is a double-edged sword. It can be a way to protect one's identity, but it can also be misused for social deviance. This is in line with differing opinions from experts, such as Brazzier who agrees to anonymity on the pretext of avoiding information piracy and Levmore & Nussbaum who considers anonymity a source of negativity and online hostility
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