Legal Analysis of Mineral and Coal Mining Investment and Environmental Impacts in Indonesia Based on Law Number 11 Year 2020 Concerning Work Creation
Indonesia has potential for natural resources which is abundant and plays a big role in the economy in Indonesia, after the presence of Law Number 11 of 2020 concerning Job Creation. Of course this has its own charm for investors to carry out investment activities in Indonesia, especially in the mineral and coal mining sector and how the environmental impact in Indonesia. This study will discuss two main issues, namely: 1) What is the conception of mining investment or investment in Indonesia after the Law on Job Creation was enacted? 2) What is the role of law in mining investments that have an impact on the environment in Indonesia? This study produces two conclusions, namely: 1) The government here that wishes for investment sustainability must be based on the principle of a sovereign state, which of course safeguards sectors that have the potential to threaten state sovereignty. By paying attention to and strictly excluding core industries and national strategic projects from the interference of foreign investors. 2) Protecting and managing the environment in accordance with the AMDAL, namely by restoring the rights that should be owned by the community to be able to access their rights to a good and healthy environment, be it the right to information, the right to participation, and the right to justice.
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