Exploration Implementation of Public-Private Partnership: Produce BSF Larva as Animal Feed

Salsabila Salsabila, Liliana Dewi


The purpose of this study was to find out how the perception of DKPP Surabaya and BSF larvae cultivators regarding the potential for cooperation between the government and private businesses or commonly known as Public-Private Partnership (PPP). In this study, BSF larvae cultivators are private businesses or called private companies and the Surabaya Food and Agriculture Security Service (DKPP) as part of the government or public companies. The BSF larval cultivation method was chosen because of two important advantages, namely being able to convert organic waste into a sustainable source of protein so that this method supports the concept of a circular economy and is able to become an alternative high protein animal feed. This research uses a qualitative research approach with basic qualitative research. Data were collected by using open-ended question interviews and observation. The results of the study prove that both parties, namely the private sector/company and the government, both give a positive perception of the potential for the formation of this PPP.


public-private partnership (PPP); BSF larva; perceptions of the government; perceptions of private/company parties

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i2.5606

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