Analysis Service in Making Electronic Identity Card (E-KTP) at the Department of Population and Registration Pekanbaru City Sipul (Study case Lima Puluh District)
Good service quality is not only achieved through a decision decision, but through improving the ability of officials to provide or provide various kinds of materials regarding service management through training at various levels or professions. An assessment of the performance of public services is not enough if it is only carried out using indicator indicators attached to service recipients such as the satisfaction of service recipients. This research was conducted in order to determine the quality of services in making E-KTP provided by the government at the Pekanbaru City Population and Civil Registration Office which can be measured through several service quality indicators, namely: guarantees, direct evidence, responsiveness, empathy, reliability, and communication. In addition, this research was also carried out to find out what factors are obstacles to the quality of service which can be seen from service procedures, facilities and infrastructure, as well as the ability of employees. In this study, researchers used a qualitative descriptive approach by collecting data obtained through observation and interviews. The results of this study show that the quality in the service of making E-KTP at the Office of the Population and Civil Registration Service in Pekanbaru City is still not optimal, there are still some problems or obstacles. This can be seen from the guarantee of a settlement that is not certain that employees cannot provide definite and clear information about when the E-KTP has been completed and can be taken, inadequate infrastructure, inadequate attention and good response from employees, lack of responsiveness of employees, lack of information provided to the public or service recipients regarding service procedures. The researcher suggested that the Pekanbaru City Government for the Pekanbaru City Population and Civil Registration Office be able to improve the performance of staff by conducting training for employees, as well as adding facilities and infrastructure, and also clarifying information about service procedures.
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