Speech Language Service Program for Children with Speech Delay At UPTD. LDPI Padang City

Rahma Daniati, Nenny Mahyuddin


Language is a form of rule or symbol system used by children in communicating and adapting to their environment which is done to exchange ideas, thoughts and emotions. Language can be expressed through speech referring to verbal symbols. This study uses a qualitative approach to describe the problems and research focus. Qualitative methods are social research steps to obtain descriptive data in the form of words and pictures. The ability to communicate is an integral part of all aspects of development and has a long-lasting impact on socialization and learning. Early intervention is needed so that the sooner developmental problems are identified, the sooner they can be addressed.


language services; children; speech delay

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i3.6570

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