Legal Protection for Health Workers during Pandemic

Yenny Chandrawaty, Pita Permatasari


This study aims to obtain information and analyze the law regarding legal protection for health workers during a pandemic. One of the problems related to the legal protection of health workers is when taking medical action in an emergency. Health workers (Nakes) are the main component of providing health services to the community in order to achieve health development goals in accordance with national goals as mandated by the constitution. As the main component of health service providers, of course the existence, role, and responsibility of health workers are very important in health development activities. The control of the COVID-19 outbreak is highly dependent on vigilance, alertness and readiness of health infrastructure since the management of the central and regional governments in implementing public health efforts so that health facilities and personnel can treat patients. The implementation and utilization of the existence, roles, and responsibilities of these health workers are running well, balanced, orderly, quality-maintained, and protected both for the health workers themselves and for the people who receive these health services invitation. Legal protection must be obtained by all elements of society in Indonesia because it is the ideal of the Indonesian nation, especially the health workers who are members of the task force for the acceleration of handling COVID-19, which was stipulated by Presidential Decree No. 7 of 2020 which was revised by Presidential Decree No. 9 of 2020 placing medical personnel and health workers as the main element in dealing with the Covid-19 virus.



health worker; covid 19 outbreak; legal protection

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