Harmonization of Vaccine Certificate Functions Regulations for Intercity Travel during Restrictions towards Community Activities Level 3 Implementation

Adhalia Septia Saputri


At the beginning of 2020, all countries in the world were shocked by the emergence of a terrible new virus because of its rapid spread and the effects of exposure to it could kill human lives. In this case, the Government is trying to respond to the spread of covid in a responsive manner, several ways that have been carried out, among others, from the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities through the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. Disease 2019 in Java and Bali Region. This study aims to find out the harmonization of the regulation of the function of the vaccine certificate for inter-city travel during the PPKM Level 3 period in DKI Jakarta and Central Java provinces and to find out how the certainty of inter-city travel requirements is when there is no regulation on vaccine certificates as travel requirement. The method used in this study is normative juridical using several sources from primary, secondary, and tertiary legal materials collected through literature study and managed by the author in a descriptive way. The results of this study indicate that the harmonization of arrangements regarding the application of vaccine certificates as a condition for travel and use of transportation during the PPKM Level 3 period in Java and Bali is not going well. This happened because the Central Java Provincial Government did not heed the Instruction of the Minister of Home Affairs No. 35 of 2021 concerning the Enforcement of Restrictions on Community Activities on the grounds that vaccination was not evenly distributed in Central Java Province so that the Central Java Regional Government did not apply a Covid-19 vaccine certificate as a condition for people to travel. Which then makes people confused, especially those who want to travel using transportation from areas that have a vaccine certificate policy as a condition for using transportation to areas that do not yet have special rules regarding the use of vaccine certificates as a condition for using transportation or vice versa.



harmonization; PPKM; vaccine certificate

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i3.6795

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