Macroeconomic Factors Affecting Financial Performance in Islamic Banks and Conventional Banks: A Comparative Analysis

Siti Maryama, Berlianingsih Kusumawati, Sulistyo Seti Utami, Ermalina Ermalina, Tatum Artha


This study aims to determine macroeconomic factors that affect the financial performance of Islamic and conventional banking. This study uses PLS-SEM to determine the macroeconomic factors that affect the performance of Islamic and conventional banking. The data used is secondary data with a time span of 2018-2022 for all Islamic and conventional banks in Indonesia. The results of this study are external macroeconomic factors that significantly affect the financial performance of Islamic banks with a value of 0.000 and conventional banks with a value of 0.000. However, the most influential Islamic bank is the capital adequacy ratio (CAR) with a value of 35.429, while the financial performance factor of conventional banks is the loan to asset ratio (LAR) with a value of 45.177. This research is expected to be an early warning system for Islamic banks and conventional banks in Indonesia.


Macroeconomics; financial performance; islamic banking; conventional banking

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