The Contribution of Instagram Visit Ujung Genteng as a Social Media Influencer in increasing Destination Awareness Impacts Intention to Visit Ujung Genteng Beach

Aggi Panigoro Sarifiyono, Elan Rusnendar, Suhari Suhari


This research explores the contribution of Instagram Visit Ujung Genteng as a social media influencer in increasing destination awareness that has an impact on the intention to visit Ujung Genteng Beach. Through quantitative and qualitative approaches, this study examines how the content shared by Visit Ujung Genteng's Instagram account affects users' perceptions of the destination. Survey methods were used to measure a destination's level of awareness before and after exposure to that Instagram content, while in-depth interviews were conducted to understand how users responded and reacted to the content. The results showed a significant relationship between the content posted by Visit Ujung Genteng on Instagram and increased destination awareness among users. The analysis also revealed that the increased level of destination awareness had a positive correlation with users' intention to visit Ujung Genteng Beach. Factors such as the authenticity of the content, user engagement, and visual appeal of the content play a key role in their influence on user intent to visit a destination. This research provides important insights for tourism and marketing practitioners in understanding the important role of social media influencers in promoting tourist destinations. The practical implications emphasize the importance of engaging and authentic content-based marketing strategies in increasing visitor intent to explore a particular tourist destination.


Social Media Influencer; Destination Awareness; Visit Intention

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