Planning School Activity Plans and Budgets (RKAS) in Junior High Schools
Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Junior High School (SMP) is a private school that follows the rules and curriculum imposed by the Ministry of Education and Culture, where this SMP in carrying out the process of planning activity plans and school budgets experiences obstacles in the implementation process, where in carrying out the planning process School activities have not been able to be maximized properly, because the school should be able to maximize the existing budget from BOS funds, but it has not been maximized in real terms because activity planning and budgets are more intended for activities that are in accordance with the old curriculum, which is the mindset of most stakeholders in junior high schools. Santa Lusia Sei Rotan still relies on a curriculum based on the KKNI which still relies on theory and not real work according to the mandate of the latest curriculum, namely the Merdeka Belajar curriculum, so it can be said that the use of the budget cannot be maximized properly, because it still applies the KKNI curriculum. The aim of this research is to analyze how the implementation of activity plans and school budgets that must be carried out at Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Middle School, as well as what are the weaknesses of activity planning and school budgets carried out at Santa Lusia Sei Rotan Middle School. The research method used is a qualitative descriptive research method with data collection techniques through literature study, where the results of the research explain that there are several things that must be done to carry out planning of activity plans and school budgets, namely carrying out activities involving related parties, carrying out activities according to plan, monitoring and evaluation, adjusting plans with preparation for changing plans, managing budgets, as well as evaluating results and maintaining school facilities, as well as weaknesses in planning activity plans and school budgets are the absence of participation from teachers, students and parents, unclear resources finances, lack of regular evaluation of the implementation of activities, incompatibility of activity programs with the wishes of students and teachers, as well as non-monitoring of teacher activities and unclear evaluation criteria.
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