Psychometric Testing of the Bullying Scale on Students in Indonesia

Uswatun Hasanah, Arina Husna Zaini


This research aims to determine and evaluate bullying measurement tools at the junior high school to high school student level. Researchers considered cases that occurred in Indonesian education with symptoms of verbal, relational and physical violence among students. The number of respondents in this study was around 100 people. The research method used by researchers is incidental sampling. The results obtained in this research are that the alpha reliability value in this research is 0.879. Factor analysis obtained in this research was to test the validity of each dimension based on the results of LISREL software calculations. The norm results stated that the subjects had quite different levels of bullying categories in the percentile rank norms and t-score norms. It can be seen that the distribution of subjects is uneven and shows that some are very low and some are very high. Future research needs to consider subject characteristics to be more specific and detailed.


Psychometric; testing; bullying scale

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