The Influence of Price, Product Quality and Service on the Decision to Purchase Broiler Chicken at the Ajung Market, Jember Regency
This research aims to determine the influence of price, product quality and service variables on purchasing decisions for broiler chickens at Ajung Market, Jember Regency. The population of this study is all residents who live in Ajung District, totaling 72,596 residents. Sampling was based on expert opinion that n ≥ 30 could be used for research. Thus, the sample for this research was determined to be 40 respondents. The sampling method is purposive sampling. Descriptive analysis was carried out to determine the description of respondents and research variables. To test the questionnaire as a research measuring tool, validity and reliability tests are used. To analyze the influence of the independent variable on the dependent variable, multiple linear regression analysis was used. The results of the analysis show that product price does not influence the decision to purchase broiler chicken at Ajung Market. Product quality does not influence the decision to purchase broiler chicken at Ajung Market. Meanwhile, service influences the decision to purchase broiler chicken at Ajung Market, Jember Regency
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