Recreational Activities to Promote Horse Riding As a Complement to Agrotourism
Horse riding as a recreational activity focuses its attraction in the world of horses. It is a practice that has achieved growth and projection within physical activity and leisure time in different places around the world, since it helps to exercise multiple parts of the body and clear the mind. However, there are few countries that promote it, mainly because it is too expensive; which has caused its particularities not be known. The goal of this paper is to propose activities to promote horse riding as a complement to agrotourism in Calixto García municipality. For this, theoretical methods such as analysis and synthesis, historical-logical, structural systemic were used; empirical data such as scientific observation, interviews and specialist judgment. Likewise, techniques and procedures were applied to complement the research. As a result, the foundations laid for the theoretical-practical deepening of the topic under study and activities were developed to promote horse riding in the municipality of reference, since it is a faithful exponent of this sport at the national and international level and remain as a traditional peasant culture. From the reflection carried out, the need to carry out actions to disseminate and maintain the practice of this sport as a recreational activity is demonstrated, given that it represents benefits, both, for those who practice it and for the community in general.
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