The Role of Digital Marketing and Social Media in Improving Purchasing Decisions on Agricultural Production Facilities Products

Muh Mandalla Faradis, Nurul Qomariah, Abadi Sanosra Sanosra


Purchasing decisions are an important thing that every company needs to pay attention to. Once consumers decide to buy goods or services, a product is a positive thing for the company. This research aims to examine the influence of digital marketing and social media on purchasing decisions for agricultural production products at CV. Damar Batur Archipelago. This research uses quantitative methods. Data was collected through a survey by distributing questionnaires to 98 respondents. The data obtained is then processed to test the hypothesis using software. Quantitative data analysis shows that digital marketing and social media have a significant positive influence on purchasing decisions. Brand Image has a significant positive effect on purchasing decisions.


Digital marketing; social media; buying decision; agricultural products.

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