Looking at Poetry with a Semiotic Lens
Poetry is an art form that is imbued with beauty. The term "poetic" itself carries a special meaning in the context of poetry. As a forum for expression, poetry is a means for individuals to convey their feelings. The use of language in poetry tends to be more structured and full of intensity compared to the language used in everyday communication. This causes poetry to have a highly valued value in society's view. On the other hand, semiotics is a scientific discipline and analytical method used to reveal the meaning contained in the signs that appear in an object. In this research, a literature review method approach was used, where data was obtained from relevant literature and then analyzed according to the focus of the problem being discussed. After identifying the matrix or keywords in a poem, the next step is to determine the main theme in the poem, which aims to extract the core essence of the poetic work.
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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v7i1.7856
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