Implementation Analysis of Trans Mebidang Program in Transportation Mode Services, North Sumatera (Comperative Study of Medan City)

Agussani Agussani


Trans Mebidang is a bus rapid transit system in the province of North Sumatra that operates in Medan, Binjai, and Deli Serdang districts. Operated by Perum Damri, this BRT has been operating at the end of 2015, after being delayed from the 2013 target, with a fleet of 30 air-conditioned buses spread across two corridors, in its journey from 2015-2020 this rapid bus has become the capital of the capital mode. for the people of Medan City, Binjai and Deli Serdang. This study aims at how the implementation of the Trans Mebidang Program in Transportation Mode Services in North Sumatra (Comparative Study of Medan City). This study uses a qualitative analysis using the P4 analytical system approach which is planning, regulation, supervision and control. From the research results obtained the status of Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang (Mebidang) As a National strategic area and strengthened by the existence of the Governor of North Sumatra Governor Regulation Number 31 of 2014 concerning Road-based Mass Public Transport Services in Urban Areas of Medan, Binjai and Deli Serdang, in program implementation has been running but not yet effective, efficient and productive. Because there are still many main and supporting infrastructure facilities that are still lacking in supervision and control. Recommendations and suggestions in this study Local Government which is integrated with mass transportation program is expected to work hand in hand to strengthen the North Sumatra government program, it is time for the Regional Government to develop spatial planning by strengthening vehicle ratios and strengthening SOP (Standard Operating Procedure) that must be strengthened and actually.


trans mebidang program; transportation service

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