Vehicle Counter in Traffic Using Pixel Area Method with Multi-Region of Interest
Traffic density data plays an important role in decision making by the Intelligent Transportation System (ITS). This system uses this data in the process of adaptive traffic management. The inaccuracy of the data provided into the ITS system can result in errors in decision making. This study utilizes digital image engineering technology in the detection of four-wheeled vehicles in traffic traffic for the purpose of acquiring traffic density data. In this study, we propose a multi-ROI (Region of Interest) pixel area method. This multi-ROI proposal is to be put forward to improve reading accuracy compared to just one ROI. With the use of this multi-ROI, the information obtained from the overall ROI can strengthen the accuracy of the data of vehicles passing in a lane. Our experimental results show that the use of multi-ROI with a certain amount of ROI can produce an accuracy rate of up to 88.66% compared to single-ROI which has an accuracy rate of 84.65%.
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