Quantum Teaching Training to Increase the Creativity of Early Childhood Education Teachers

Deden HMS, Na'imah Na'imah, Suyadi Suyadi, Issaura Dwi Selvi, Azizah Nurul Fadlillah


The problem of an Early Childhood Education teacher who doesn't have much creativity to pack interesting, fun, and enjoyable material that has impacted the low motivation and development of the children is needed a special technique to make teachers have various methods of learning that can improve the creativity of teaching. The Quantum Teaching model itself is a learning model that creates an effective learning environment by using the elements that exist in students and the learning environment because teachers deliver materials in a fun and pleasant way. Thus, the writer tries to look into Quantum Teaching training as one of those teaching models so that teachers can make students feel comfortable, creative, and happy and create a happy atmosphere on KB. Fun Islamic School. This research aims at first to learn about increased creativity in teaching teachers. Then to know the teacher's effectiveness in learning Quantum Teaching. This research using the mixed method used is the mixed concerns of triangulation referring to the explanation of Cresswel (2009), which combines two methods separately and aims to compare the method, covering or balancing the weakness of one method with the strengths of other methods. The result of this research produces, first, the Quantum Teaching training module to improve the creativity of teachers teaching in schools is made to large-scale trial steps has not reached the use of the usage of time due to time and cost limitations. Second, the Quantum Teaching Training Module is feasible to apply to learn at the PAUD level. Third, the use of the Quantum Teaching Training Module is considered effective in improving the creativity of teachers teaching in schools.


creativity; quantum teaching learning model; delight; fun

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DOI: https://doi.org/10.33258/birci.v5i3.6800

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