The Narrative of the Power of Kretek in the Novel Genduk by Sundari Mardjuki and the Novel of the Kretek Girl by Ratih Kumala

Rofi’ Nihayatul Ulum, Suyatno Suyatno, Anas Ahmadi


This study aims to describe the narrative of the practice of kretek power by a strong group to another weaker group. This narrative of power is studied based on the practice of power with the principles of New Historicism theory. The method used in this research is qualitative. The data sources used are the novel Genduk by Sundari Mardjuki and the novel Gadis Kretek by Ratih Kumala. Data were analyzed with the hermeneutic analysis technique serial analysis model. This serial analysis model refers to the internal and external context. The findings of this study indicate the following. The results showed the practice of power in the form of oppression by Gaoks and moneylenders; and colonial domination. Gaoks and middlemen buy tobacco harvested by farmers arbitrarily. Moneylenders take advantage of the helplessness of farmers and workers and exploit them. The domination of the ruler is in the form of the domination of the strong group over the weak group and events related to politics. This happens in the kretek processing and industry, the practice of power that interferes with the kretek processing and industry, and all the power practices that occur in the kretek processing and industry.


power narrative; kretek; new historicism

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