Building the Psychological Well-Being of Elementary School Students through Social Emotional Learning Strategies

Efi Tasfiyatul Millah, Leli Halimah, Dede Margo Irianto


Technological advances bring about changes in various aspects of human life. Humans must be able to adapt and collaborate in the face of rapid technological advances in order to make optimal use of them. Education is required to develop holistic learning, focusing not only on things that are purely intellectual, but also on the emotional, physical, social and spiritual aspects. Many students experience behavioral problems, such as inability to show empathy, build relationships, make responsible decisions, and even be anti-social. Then emotional social learning is present to give knowledge and skills to students in implementing social and emotional aspects as a livelihood supply. The research aims to provide a better understanding of how the application of emotional social learning strategies can help improve the psychological well-being of students. The researchers will use qualitative methods and descriptive approaches to describe and analyze emotional social learning strategies for student psychological well-being. Data collection techniques include interviews, observations, and documentation. The study was conducted on students of 6th grade of SDN Tenjolaya 1. The results of the study showed that the educational curriculum of the SDN Tenjolaya 1 level already integrated emotional social education. Teachers already have a proof of preparedness in implementing emotional social learning with the use of an optimal learning environment and planning the implementation of learning that incorporates social emotional skills. The active involvement of students in the learning process can develop emotional social skills optimally. The psychological well-being of the student can be reflected in the happiness and meaningfulness of the learning carried out by the student. Based on the results of the research, it can be concluded that, building the psychological well-being of elementary school students can be done with the strategy of emotional social learning.


Holistic; psychological well-being; skills; social emotions

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