The Influence of Competence and Organizational Culture, Mediated by the Leadership Style of Policewomen on the Performance of Cimanggis Police Personnel, Depok Metro Police, Jakarta, Indonesia

Sitti Fatimah Said Martandu, Chairul Muriman Setyabudi


The behavior of individuals in the Cimanggis Police Station organization greatly affects the organization directly or indirectly. different abilities of individuals in the face of their tasks or activities. Consistent personnel performance is seen in organizations that pay attention to the environment of personnel carrying out their duties with colleagues, leaders, and the work atmosphere, which can affect a person's ability to carry out their duties. The study aims to determine whether competence and organizational culture mediated by leadership can affect the performance of the Cimanggis Police Station in Depok Jakarta, Indonesia. The results showed that competence and organizational culture have a significant effect on performance. Competence and organizational culture have a significant influence on leadership. Leadership has a significant effect on the performance of Cimanggis Depok Police personnel, leadership mediates the significant influence of competence on performance, and leadership mediates significantly the influence of organizational culture on performance. The results of the F test simultaneously show that leadership and competence have a significant simultaneous effect on the performance of Cimanggis Depok Police Personnel. It is very necessary to have a clear communication pattern, give appreciation or appreciation to personnel, and provide opportunities for personnel members to make good working relationships, leaders and personnel can jointly provide mutual enthusiasm for work.


Competence; Organizational Culture; Leadership; Performance of Police Personnel Sector

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