The Effect of Motivation, Work Environment and Job Training on Increasing Employee Performance at PT PG Candi Baru Sidoarjo
This study seeks to evaluate how motivation, work environment, and job training affect employee performance. The study involved a sample of 106 employees, selected through a simple random sampling technique to ensure representative results. The analysis was conducted using Structural Equation Modeling with Partial Least Squares (SEM-PLS), a method that is well-suited to handle complex models and provides insight into the relationships between variables. The results revealed that motivation has a significant positive impact on employee performance. Highly motivated employees tend to perform better in their roles. In addition, the work environment plays a significant role in enhancing employee performance; a supportive and conducive work environment contributes to higher productivity and job satisfaction. Furthermore, job training has also been shown to have a positive impact on employee performance. Well-designed training programs that are relevant to the employee’s role help improve their skills and knowledge, which in turn improves employee performance.
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