Reconstruction of Western Civilization Viewed by Sayyid Abû al-asanas' Alî al-Ḥasanî al-Nadwî

Sori Monang


al-Nadwî has a "myriad" concept, both in written form and in the practical form of everyday life that is large enough to solve the social-theological problems that are being colonized by today's Western civilization. Western education led to the frost and decline of morality due to the loneliness of spiritual decline. Al-Nadwî also gave various analyzes that Western Education orientation is a lot of material, wants a high position and earn a large salary without implanting spiritual value. Secularization is a political movement, and in the history of this political movement was introduced by the West to strengthen its existence as an invader of civilization.


Al Quran; western civilization; secularism; Moslem

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