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Syukron, Muhammad Agus
Syukur, Yanuardi, Lecturer in Social Anthropology of University of Khairun, Ternate and PhD candidate at Department of Anthropology, University of Indonesia (Indonesia)


T, Hamdani
T Maas, Linda, Lecturer in Universitas Sumatera Utara, Medan (Indonesia)
T. Takwate, Kwaji, Department of Science Education, Adamawa State University Mubi (Nigeria)
Ta'dung, Yohanis Lotong
Taba, Sattar
Tabrani, Dedy, PhD Candidate at Police Sciences College (PTIK) Jakarta (Indonesia)
Tabrani, Dedy, PhD Student in Police Science College, PTIK, Jakarta Master of Science Degree of Graduate School in Social & Political Sciences Department, University of Indonesia (Indonesia)
Tabrani, Dedy
Tabrany, Dedy, Police Science College (PTIK, Perguruan Tinggi Ilmu Kepolisian), Jakarta (Indonesia)
Tabuni, Yoel
Tachyan, Zaenudin, Institute of Economic Science Kridatama Bandung, (Indonesia)
Tachyan, Zaenudin, Institute of Economic Science Kridatama Bandung (Indonesia)
Taena, Emanuel Tati
Tahir, Irwan
Tahir, M. Arzal
Tahir, Muhammad
Tahun, Omega DR
Tahun, Omega DR
Tairas, Willyandi
Takari, Muhammad
Takdir, Takdir
Taliak, Dwi Yuni
Tallapessy, Albert

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