Collaboration Robots with Artificial Intelligence (AI) as Digital Doubles of Person for Communication in Public Life and Space

Evgeniy Bryndin


Trans-sectoral digital research of man, nature, society and industrial communication allows to create digital twins of social services. Digital duplicates associated with the service sector are created for intelligent process management. Digital twins of man provide services in the social sphere and in space. Training of digital twins in professional competences is carried out on the basis of communicative associative logic of technological thinking by cognitive methods. The study of the effectiveness of machine learning techniques, allowed the use of an approach that allows the combination of artificial intelligence and cognitive psychology. This approach provided pre-preparation of neural networks from accumulated data using existing behaviors. The approach combines existing scientific theories of human behavior with the flexibility of neural networks to make better decisions made by humans in space and in extreme situations. From a practical point of view, this makes it possible to more accurately determine the behavior of the human digital twin in space and in extreme situations. There are a number of socio-economic issues related to human-machine interaction. Complex technologies are not credible on the part of citizens. The coming years will take to improve safety and standardize the creation, application of digital twins and behavior of robots.


technological thinking; communicative and associative logic; digital doubles; communicative associative logic; adaptive behaviour

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