The Effectiveness of Endomycorrhiza Species on the Growth of Barangan Banana Seedlings

Asmah Indrawati, Suswati Suswati


Utilization of various species of arbuscular mycorrhizal fungi in Barangan banana nurseries has been carried out in a wire house. The aim of the study was to obtain data on the effectiveness of Barangan banana seedling growth after various FMA species were applied. This research was conducted with a Completely Randomized Design with mycorrhizal (A) treatment consisting of 4 levels, namely: A0. Without mycorrhizae, A1. Glomus type 1; A2. Acaulospora type 4 and A3. Glomus fasciculatum (FMA isolate collection of Prof. Dr. Ir. Eti Farda Husin, MS) with 5 replications. A total of 10 g of FMA inoculants were separately put into the acclimatization media of the Barangan plantlet in the form of a sterilized charcoal and sand mixture (2: 1). during acclimatization. The results of this study indicate that seedling growth is better in the treatment of FMA applications than in controls. Acaulospora type-4 FMA isolates; Glomus type-1 and G. fasciculatum can increase the height of Barangan banana seedlings at a rate of: 3.117%; 2,831% and 2,328% while the rate of leaf growth is better in Glomus type-1 applications (1,865%), G. fasciculatum (1,709%) and Acaulospora type 4 (1,412 and control (1,174%).


Plantlet; Barangan banana; plant heigh; number of leaves; Glomus type 1; Glomus fasciculatum; Acaulospora type 4.

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