Translanguaging Used By English Teacher at Vocational Schools Medan

Masitowarni Siregar


The objective of this endeavor was   to examine the utilization of translanguaging by vocational English teachers in Medan. The emphasis of the study was to identify the English instructor of vocational schools in Medan translated instruction in classroom. This endeavor was implemented by utilizing descriptive qualitative technique. The data of the research were the talk of English teacher instructions of vocational schools in Medan. The data were taken and collected from recorded and videos of the English teacher of vocational schools in Medan. The data were analyzed by applying the inductive model proposed by Miles, Huberman & Saldana (2014) such as data condensation, data display, and conclusion drawing or verification. The results of the study showed that teacher used English first and continued in using Indonesian language to make the students comprehend  about the conversation in the classroom. Thus, the students are not bored and interest to study English.


translanguaging; English teachers; vocational schools

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