Pre-Mathematical Training of Educational and Intellectual Skills for Preschoolers

Eshonkulova Masuda Khabibovna, Dzhumaev Mamanazar Irgashevich, M. Yoserizal Saragih


In the decree of the Government of the Republic of Uzbekistan. The goal of the strategy, designed for 2017–2021, is to radically increase the effectiveness of the reforms, create conditions for the comprehensive and accelerated development of the state and society, implement priority directions for the modernization of the country and liberalize all spheres of life. As you know, in almost all countries of the world, the basis for modernization of the country, innovation in the education system becomes a priority. Only through education can we move on to a new path of development both in science and in production. Creation of a highly effective system of professional higher education in the search and application of a qualitatively new educational and scientific system that meets the modern requirements of the spirit of the time. It is gratifying to note that until now, changes in the system of education and science have occurred in accordance with the historical realities of the whole world, in particular our country. In order to maintain a unified educational space, to implement the continuity of state standards at all levels and levels of education. The theoretical foundations of solving the problem of the formation of intellectual skills are widely represented in a number of psychological and pedagogical studies. Conclusions and recommendations on the formation of skills of didactic activity of an elementary school teacher are proposed.


component; formation; thinking; intellect

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