The Existency of Traditional and Modern Dance in Medan City

Martozet Martozet


The purpose of this study was to determine the existence or existence of traditional dances and modern dances in Medan. The research problem focuses on the existence of these two dance forms, how is the journey of traditional dance forms from the pre-independence era to the present and the glories of the emergence of new, modern-style dance forms from the 1960s, especially in the city of Meda. In order to approach this problem, the theory of existence is used WJS Poerwadaminta. Apart from that, it was also emphasized aboutunderstanding of traditional and modern dance by Indonesian dance expertsSoedarsono.While the data were collected through field observations, interviews, documentation, and literature study. Furthermore, the data obtained were analyzed through qualitative descriptive methods, narrating the data obtained in the field according to existing facts. From the research results it is known that the city of Medan as a large heterogeneous city, has traditional dances such as the Inai and Zapin Labuhan dances. Inai dance is performed at the evening ceremony, while Zapin Labuhan is performed at the apostolic circumcision ceremony.Zapin appeared in line with the existence of the Malays who lived in this area and were related to the existence of the Deli Sultanate. Zapin Labuhan developed during the reign of Tuanku Panglima Gandar Wahid in the 18th century AD, who was the King of Deli to V. Zapin.consists of several variants such as Zapin Anak Ayam, Zapin Pecah Tiga, Zapin Elang, Zapin Selendang, Zapin Lancang Kuning, Zapin Zat, Zapin Gergaji, and Zapin Zig-Zag.


reading material development; school literacy; movement

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