Blended Learning Based Optitex Media Development for Students in Fashion Design Education Study Program State University of Medan

Surani Surani, Abdul Hamid, Dina Ampera


To expand the use of Computer Aided Design (CAD) technology in the competency pattern contruction course in drawing various sleeve patterns, this study aims to develop belended learning based optitex media. With Research & Development (R&D) method, Borg and Gall combined with Dick & Carey instructional system development model, this study develops optitex media as a viable and effective medium to use as a learning resource for learning tutorials to draw various patterns of sleeves based on Optitex PDS 11. Procedure development of instructional media there are 5 stages as follows: (1) The preliminary study, (2) Design software, (3) Gather materials, (4) Creating and producing instructional media, (5) Conduct field reviews in order to evaluate and revise products. Obtaining the average result of the presentation of the learning material expert gave a response of 88.75%, then the design expert gave a response of 84.17%, that the material was suitable for use because it contained material and delivery criteria that met the standards of delivering messages to students and meanwhile learning media experts gave a response of 86.25% worthy of use because it has been designed in such a way and meets the standards of learning media. In the small group presentation results with an average value of 86.42%. In the results of group presentations with an average value of 91.09% and in the results of large group / field trial presentations with an average presentation of 92.76%. The results showed that the optitex media to draw various patterns of sleeves was effectively used based on blended learning.


optitex media; optitex PDS 11 software; based on blended learning; drawing sleeve patterns; development

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