The Analysis of Students' High Level Thinking Ability on Motion Systems Material on Covid Pandemic 19 at Madrasah Aliyah Medan City

Willyana Utari Siahaan, Herbert Sipahutar, Syahmi Edi


This study aims to: (1) Know the description of higher order thinking skills in the material of motion systems in students at MAN 1 Medan City. (2) Knowing the description of high-order thinking skills in the material of motion systems in students at MAL UINSU Medan City. (3) Knowing the differences in higher-order thinking skills in the material of motion systems in students at MAN 1 Medan and MAL UINSU Medan. (4) Knowing the learning process of the motion system during the COVID 19 pandemic at MAN 1 Medan and at MAL UINSU Medan. This research method uses a quantitative research type with a descriptive approach. The results showed: (1) Students 'high-order thinking skills on motion system material in class XI MAN 1 Medan City had an average score of 84.83 in a good category. (2) Students' high-order thinking skills on movement system material in class XI MAL UINSU Medan City average score of 82.17 with good category. (3) (1) Students 'high-order thinking skills on motion system material in class XI MAN 1 Medan City with an average score of 84.83 in the good category, (2) Students' high-order thinking skills on motion system material in class XI MAL UINSU Medan City an average score of 82.17 with good category. (3) With the Sig (2-tailed) value of 0.048 is smaller than the significant levels of 0.05 and nt value> t table (2.125> 2,048). (4) The highest indicator of students 'high-order thinking skills in class XI MAN 1 Medan City is creating, while the highest indicator of students' high-order thinking skills in class XI MAL UINSU Medan City.


higher-order thinking ability; COVID 19; motion systems

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