Ethnomathematics in Traditional Wayang Performance in Surakarta as a Source of Mathematics Learning in Junior High School

Della Narulita, M Mardiyana, D R S Saputro


Mathematics is used in all aspects of life and emphasizes the activities of reasoning. Mathematics had related to our daily activities and can identify the cultural point of view. Ethnomathematics include mathematical ideas develop by cultures. The aim of this research is ethnomathematics practiced by the community especially in traditional wayang art in Surakarta that can be used as a source of learning mathematics in junior high school. This research used descriptive qualitative research whichdata collection techniques by observation, interviews, and documentation. Data validity used triangulation. The research procedure includes several stages, namely data collection, data selection, data analysis, drawing conclusions, and preparation of research reports. The result of the research showed that traditional wayang art performance in Surakarta contained ethnomathematics can be used as a source of learning mathematics in junior high school such as 1) modulo 9, 2) geometry of space, 3) even odd number, 4) rectangle, and 5) circle.


ethnomathematics; traditional wayang; performance; mathematics learning; Surakarta

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