An Analysis of Life Skills in the Content of Seventh-Grade English Language Books in Jordan

Mohammad Ahmad Bani Amer, Majid Mohammad Al-Khataybeh


The current study aimed at analyzing the content of the Seventh-Grade English language books according to life skills during the academic year 2021\2022 and identifying the life skills latent in the English language books for the Seventh-Grade. To achieve the aims of the study, the researchers prepared a list consisting of (38) life skills for (9) fields. The researchers adopted the analytical descriptive approach; the study sample consisted of Student's Book and Activity Book. The researchers analyzed the whole content of the English language books for the Seventh-Grade according to this instrument. The arbitrators agreed on the validity of the analysis instrument, the stability of the analysis was calculated between the main researcher and the second researcher. The findings indicated that the content of the English language books for Seventh-Grade included all areas of life skills, but with varying percentages, as the first area (Effective Communicative ) achieved the highest percentage of (35.82%), (Self-Awareness Building ) by a percentage of (16.05%), (Interpersonal Relationship ) with a percentage of (11.19%), (Critical Thinking ) with a percentage of (7.46%), (Coping with Stress and Emotions) with a percentage of ( 7.03%), (Problem Solving  ) and (Creative Thinking ) with the same percentage (5.72%),  (Decision Making ) with a percentage of ( 5.64%), then the lowest (Empathy ) with a percentage of ( 5.38%). In light of the findings, the researchers suggested some recommendations such as; taking into account consistency, integration, and balance in the ratios of including life skills fields in the English language books for the Seventh-Grade.


Life Skills; English Language; Seventh-Grade; Jordan

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