The Renovation of Medical English and Blended Education Courses in a Linguistic Setting

Jafar Asgari Arani


English for Medical Purposes (EMP) has been a noteworthy share in the field of English for Specific Purposes (ESP). The education of Medical English has transformed noticeably to meet the needs of original regiment of apprentices who have expounded in the development of statistical technologies. The digital stage education matrix expressed as assessment devices was employed to recognize aspects of learning happening during the teaching exercises with digital technologies. This survey proposes to construct the EMP Blended Education Approach under the linguistic setting of the Internet, and supervises investigational exploration in order to evaluate the details that influence the Blended education. Based on this, some setting procedures are implied to develop the superiority of EMP education considering linguistics. This qualified study was descriptive-analytical which was shown in 2020 working in education of Kashan University of Medical Sciences. The discussion item was also functional to determine if the faculty members declared the media-based attitude complements their knowledge of linguistic educational English writing lessons or not. The findings demonstrated that all faculty members recognized the profits of assimilating digital technologies into teaching EMP called blended education, but their practice of technologies endured incomplete. Results also exposed some possible customs of web-based tackles and linguistic functions in teaching actions prompting scholars’ learning features.


English for medical purposes; blended education; digital technology

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